Workers assembling solar panels

We’re repowering America, reigniting local economies, and reinvesting in a sustainable future. We develop, construct, and operate renewable energy projects throughout the United States. Learn how we’re helping to create a clean, fair and affordable energy future for all.

Noble storage project banner

On October 27, 2021, as part of the first-ever American Clean Power Week, National Grid Renewables hosted a Celebration Event at the Noble Solar and Storage Project in Texas.


We’re under construction on the 200 MW Prairie Wolf Solar Project in Coles County, Illinois. Prairie Wolf is poised to generate millions in tax revenue, landowner income and charitable initiatives, all while adding more clean energy to the electric grid.

Listen to the Science Museum of Minnesota discuss how wind and solar can help repower communities with clean, economically beneficial energy.
solar panels

Hear directly from residents who live in communities that host wind and solar projects speak – and how renewable energy revitalizes communities through economic and charitable benefits.

National Grid Renewables: Our Business and Values

Our Projects

National Grid Renewables has a portfolio of wind, solar, and storage projects in development, construction, and operation throughout the United States.

Contact Us

Our team of experts are located throughout multiple states in the regions where we develop, construct, and operate projects.

Water tower
Local government representatives and officials discuss the benefits of contracting for renewable energy and hosting renewable energy projects in their communities.
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The green energy and sustainability benefits that wind energy projects provide aren’t the only positive impacts wind farms offer. Listen to community members in the Crocker Wind Farm in Clark County, South Dakota speak about the Crocker Community Fund, a charitable fund that supports local organizations and neighbors.

Community members sitting at tables

National Grid Renewables, formerly known as Geronimo Energy, celebrates its Crocker Wind Farm with community members, landowners and project partners. Crocker Wind Farm will contribute significant tax revenue for the local and state economies, as well create new construction and long-term permanent jobs.

single wind turbine and many cow

On August 13, 2019, National Grid Renewables, formerly known as Geronimo Energy, hosted a celebration event for the Crocker Wind Farm, a wind energy project located in Clark County, South Dakota. Community members, landowners and project partners were all in attendance.

Woman in front of solar panels

In this candid interview, hear what St. John’s University says about working with our company and how they’re incorporating renewable energy procurement into their overall sustainability and education goals.

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Community members, business owners and local officials in a previous wind development describe the community benefits the project has brought to their county and rural towns.

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This wind-focused video explains what wind farm community funds are and how current project communities are using these charitable funds to do “good” in National Grid Renewables’ (formerly known as Geronimo Energy) wind farm footprints.

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What is it really like to live near or work by a solar energy project? What is the construction process like? And what do they look like when they’re operating? Landowners, neighbors and officials talk about their experiences living near solar energy projects.

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Community members, business owners and local officials in a previous wind development describe the positive economic impacts the project has brought to their community, including new tax revenue for infrastructure and schools, job creation and an influx of spending at local businesses.

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