
Blevins Solar & Storage Project

270 MW Solar, 432 MWh Storage

The Blevins Solar & Storage Project is a 270 megawatt (MW) solar and 432 megawatt hour (MWh) battery storage project located in Falls County, Texas. Blevins Solar & Storage will span approximately 2,300 acres and will be connected to the electric grid via a local substation. The project is anticipated to positively impact the environment by avoiding approximately 457,300 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually during operation – the equivalent of taking an estimated 101,700 cars off the road for a year. In addition, the project is anticipated to positively impact the local economy by producing significant tax revenue, project construction and operation jobs, and annual contributions through a charitable fund.

Project Benefits

Economic Impact icon
$90 million in direct economic impact over first 20 years of operation
$32.5 million in new tax revenue over first 20 years of operation
$1,350,000 in charitable giving during first 20 years of operation
400 construction and operation jobs
457,300 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions offset per year
101,700 the equivalent number of cars removed from the road for one year

*Environmental benefits calculated using the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator. Environmental benefits are singular, not additive. Economic benefits calculated based on National Grid Renewables models and current tax law for renewable energy facilities. Economic benefits represent estimated total impact over the first 20 years of operation. All project production, benefits, and amounts are estimates and not guaranteed. Information presented is subject to change.

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