
Energy Storage Projects

Energy storage solutions provide National Grid Renewables’ utility and commercial customers a flexible, customizable way to realize a broad range of benefits. Storage’s rapid response and ramping capabilities are highly effective for balancing supply and demand, particularly when paired with renewable energy generators. National Grid Renewables is familiar with a wide range of energy storage technologies, including lithium-ion batteries, pumped hydro, flow batteries, and gravitational solutions.

National Grid Renewables works with its customers and storage supply partners to identify the optimal storage solutions for each specific situation. After developing solutions that balance benefits against costs to achieve the optimal combination of economics, safety, and reliability, we develop then finance, construct, and operate the projects, providing our customers a single touchpoint throughout. In line with our farmer-friendly value system, National Grid Renewables engages local communities throughout the project’s life to build support for the project and maximize its value.

Current Portfolio

Projects announced as under construction or in operation

About NG Renewables

National Grid Renewables

National Grid Renewables is repowering America by reigniting local economies and reinvesting in a sustainable, clean energy future.

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