
Solar Energy Projects

National Grid Renewables is a flexible, nimble, and creative renewable energy developer that offers customizable solar energy solutions for all types of power purchasers. National Grid Renewables’ focus on community breeds local support for our solar energy projects, and our ability to deliver market-leading, creative, and efficient solar energy projects is due to our top-notch team of renewable energy experts. As a leader in the solar development industry, our team has expertise in areas such as permitting, interconnection, transmission, real estate, policy, project management, construction and operation.

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Join one of our solar technicians on a typical day at work and learn about what makes a solar technician career so rewarding.

Current Portfolio

Projects announced as under construction or in operation

About NG Renewables

How do you build a solar project?

Our expert team takes you step by step through the process of building a safe, economically beneficial solar energy project.

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